Diane虽然是个女孩子,但是性格十分活泼。小的时候为了让她能安静些,我督促她学习弹钢琴,并且相应地学习了相关音乐基础课程。尽管这些并没有使她变得更文静,但对于她的乐感、节奏等可能 有很好地影响。Diane唱歌很好听,经常有陌生的曲子她听上两三遍,就唱得很好了。好很喜欢韩国的一些歌唱组合,对于欧美的歌手也有很多了解,例如Adele的“Rolling in the Deep”和 m2m的“the day you went away”等等,都是她推荐给我听的,我也很喜欢这些歌。
My son Tang Hongru expires June 8 this year, 17 years old, as an international exchange students in August will depart for your homestay life time more than ten months, as like you special a boarding services, can provide international students with a comprehensive follow-up management services, comprehensive solution to the parents of young children to study abroad including law, housing, study abroad life, management and other issues, truly guarantee for education, for study abroad keep navigation, can imagine everyday life will give you add many trouble, here we would like to let us express gratitude.
作为家庭中的独生子女,祖父辈二代人对其宠爱有加,然儿子自幼不娇气,常常在学习之余帮其母亲做家务,受温馨和睦的家庭影响,儿子个性开朗健康,兴趣爱好 广泛,喜欢清洁且体贴别人,精力充沛又热情大方,喜欢求知且自信心强,做事积极且专心沉着,喜欢听人讲话且宽宏大量,当然自己的儿子谁都会夸。我们认为, 儿子接人待物羞涩腼腆不够健谈是其个性不足之处,虽说具有一种宽容乐观的人生态度和包容别人的雅量,但展示自己机智和才能的意识不强,特别有待增强语言和 文字表达能力,我们期望儿子有意识地克服自己的不足,自觉培养一种风趣幽默的能力,在人际交往中以更加愉悦的方式大胆表达自己的真诚、大方和心灵的善良, 以此拉近人与人之间的距离,享受社会交往的美好境界。
As the one-child families, the doting grandparents two generations, but son have been less girlish, often in learning to help their mother do the housework, influenced by the warm harmonious family, son cheerful personality health, the interest hobby is widespread, like clean and considerate of others, full of energy and enthusiasm and generous, like knowledge and self-confidence is strong, work actively and concentrate on calm, like to listen to people talk and magnanimity, and of course your son who will be praised. We believe that the son treat people shy shy not talkative is the character shortcomings, although have a tolerance and optimistic attitude towards life and tolerance of magnanimity, but to show their wit and talent consciousness is not strong, especially to strengthen the language and writing power of expression, we expect son consciously overcome their shortcomings, consciously train the ability of a kind of humor, in interpersonal communication in a more pleasant way to bold to express their sincere, generous and kind, to close the miles of space that intervene between a man and enjoy the wonderful realm of social intercourse.
At the beginning to enter oneself for an examination the international exchange students, then decided to take part in the college entrance examination, completely is he choose to make a decision, is not easy. So I found the U.S. west coast boarding in Internet service center, refer to the related information, know you are in October was founded in 2009, headquartered in Los Angeles, is one specialized is engaged in the United States a minor student management and services.
给寄宿家庭的一封信:直至目前,你们美国西海岸寄宿服务中心也是唯一一家承担学生监护权的寄宿管理机构,对此,作为孩子家长也很放心。作为一个并不富 裕的普通中国家庭,其母亲主要是从异国他乡的安全感、家庭经济能力等多方面考虑。而我本人亲历了全球化对我们这一代人生活所带来的 巨大影响,深刻地感受到当今的中国社会正处于激烈的深层次的变革之中。记得美国有一位名人说过这样一名话:“我们这一代最伟大的发现,就是人类可以通过改变他们的心态来改变他们的生 活”。“人的一生是由他的想法造就”。
Until now, the west coast of the United States you boarding students service center is also the only company to assume custody lodging management institutions, to this, as the parents also very at ease. As a not rich yulin of ordinary Chinese families, the mother security mainly from different country, family economic ability and other aspects to consider. And I have witnessed the globalization brought about by the huge impact on our generation life, deeply felt today's Chinese society is under intense deep change. Remember that America is a celebrity said such a words: "our generation's greatest discovery, is the human can change their attitude to change their living". "Human life is created by his ideas".
确实如此,一个人可以籍着思考可能走向失败和不快乐,但是他可以籍着思考也完全可能走向成功和快乐,一个人生活的世 界不应当也不完全是由外在环境来决定,而是应当也是事实上由占据自己心灵习惯性的想法所决定。“说你行,你就行;说你不行,行也不行”,这是中国封建专制 残余思想作祟。我们欣慰地看到潜藏在儿子内心的一种力量被唤醒,相信自己,勇往直前、勇于探索、勇于进取、勇于拚搏,不要等待别人为你做你应该做的事情, “你认为你行,你就行!”。我们期盼儿子通过在美国的学习和研究,能够学有所成、学有所用、学有所长,将来能够为中国的建设发展贡献出自己的一份力量。
Indeed, one can think through likely to fail and not happiness, but he can get the thinking is also entirely possible to success and happiness, a world of one's life should not be is not entirely determined by the external environment, but also is in fact determined by dominated by your own mind's habitual thoughts. "Said you, you said line; you can't, not line", this is China's feudal autocratic residual thought deeply. We are pleased to see hidden in a kind of power of son heart awakened, believe in yourself, go forward, have the courage to explore, bold and enterprising, dare to struggle, don't wait for others to do what you should do for you, "you think you can, you can!" . We look forward to our son through study and research in the United States, can have learned something, use it, learn with director, for China's construction and development in the future contribute an own strength.
We look forward to our son through study and research in the United States, can have learned something, use it, learn with director, for China's construction and development in the future contribute an own strength. Hope you to the west coast of the United States boarding service center can take on the responsibility of the student guardian, to take good care of the student's life, study and school life, and provide professional counseling, lectures, consulting, planning the future for the children.
Finally, to express our gratitude again, warmly welcome you to have a chance to come to China to our home, I sincerely wish you healthy body, all the best!
Dear Host Family
The next time may be troublesome to you. Thank you, that you can receive me, thank you let me come to the United States alone and will not feel
lonely. I am very happy to stay at your home and become a new family member, I am very honor.
I am a very cheerful girl, not very smart, but very strong, sometimes careless, but I will try to correct the deficiencies, I also hope you will forgive me for being some of the shortcomings, as a lively girl, I like the movement, the most favorite is the badminton and outdoor sports, the same time, I also like reading, if you are interested, I can tell you some interesting allusions about China, there are a number of
national customs, although this is only in Chinese culture is very a small part, but I hope to bring you the knowledge and happiness, to facilitate the exchange. hope you can give me some more about the name of the United States customs. I also want to learn some cooking to you.
I will do a lot of housework, in the new the family, I will try to bear all the useful and I have a civic duty. I hope that my lively and does not affect your work, I am quiet does not make you feel dull, my hard work to make you feel very at ease.
The exchange of life, may be an opportunity for my life, my parents and sister have also given me great support, not to live up to their hopes
at the same time, I do not make you disappointed, in the near future I will be to your at home to spend some time with you, I very much look
forward to live together we have a good time, if I come to bring you some happiness.,
Best wish fou you and thank you very much.
Yous Tao
我今年8月份要到美国上高中需要写一封信给我的Host family但是我因为语法不是很好,求给位高手们帮忙,谢谢了!具体内容如下:亲爱的美国家人们:我叫Carrie,我来自美丽的中国云南昆明,我今年16了。我的家乡是美丽的春城,一年四季都是春天,这里有漂亮的花朵,宽阔的滇池,是一个多民族汇集的城市,世居26个民族。。。我的家庭是一个和睦的家庭,我有帅气的爸爸,美丽的妈妈,可爱的表弟表妹,还有多才多艺的舅舅……我是一个开朗外向的女孩,而且也有很强的适应能力,我相信我能很快的融入到你们的大家庭中,我爱唱歌,也爱画画,我希望我能给你们家带去欢声,带去快乐!我更希望来到你们的家庭后,和你们进行中美的文化交流,成为一个文化交流小天使.
你们的Carrie X.X.____
xizhen chen, my former student in the department of computer science, beijing univ. of sciences, i am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation of his academic aptitude for your reference. mr. chen is interested in your graduate program in computer science.
i came to know him in september 1987 when mr. chen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters' course. in the class he was one of the most outstanding students. at the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be "a" according to our grading system. i also found him good at other studies.
after the class, he had personal talks with me several times. he indicated a great interest in computer hardware, in my opinion, mr. chen has a potential in computer science, which can be further developed.
in view of his previous achievements in this college, i am firmly convinced that mr. chen will make a successful graduate student. your favorable consideration of his admission will be highly appreciated.